Usually your eye will be covered after a procedure and you cannot drive with one eye covered. Please arrange for a carer to take you home from our practice.
Dilating eyedrops enlarge your pupils and make your vision blurry and glare sensitive, so you cannot drive for two hours after the dilating drops. Most patients need their pupils dilated at their first consultation, and periodically for follow up visits, depending on the eye condition. Retinal problems need dilating at each visit. Your doctor can advise if you will need dilating drops at your next visit. It is advisable to bring a pair of sunglasses to your visit.
Most first visits for paediatric patients will require dilating eye drops. These drops take time to take effect, so be prepared for a longer visit. Follow up appointments sometimes still require dilating eye drops. Your doctor can advise whether dilating eyedrops will be required at the next visit.
Your appointment will take approximately an hour on average. You will be checked in by our reception staff, then seen by our orthoptic staff, maybe have some diagnostic tests done, maybe have dilating eyedrops and then see the doctor. Some appointments are brief, such as post-operative visits, and some visits take longer, up to two hours, especially first appointments or appointments including a procedure taking place.
Dr Cheung speaks basic Cantonese.